
Our consulting practice is unique! We use a holistic approach to help you design a business solution that is forward thinking, targeted and practical. We are grounded and use proven theories but strive to implement practical solutions for your organization.

We specialize in the following areas:

» Organizational Change Management
» Human Resources Management
» Leadership & Talent Management
» Workforce Performance Management
» Global Diversity & Inclusion

Organizational Change Management

In today’s fast changing global environment the only constant we have is “Change”. Learning to manage and navigate through change is a critical and vital competency for employees in any organization. Using reputable change management methodologies we help you manage and implement complex system and process changes within your organization.

Our goal is to help you design and implement an Organizational Change Management strategy to ensure sustainability in the future.

Human Resources Management

What makes an organization successful? Products? Services? In our opinion it is the “PEOPLE”. A company is as strong as the talent it employs. It is crucial to manage, motivate, and educate our “PEOPLE” to move the business forward.

We work with HR Teams to ensure that their HR Strategy supports and is aligned with the Business Strategy. This ensures that we have the right people within the organization with the right skills and competencies to move the business forward. We analyze the business, its needs and identify opportunities that are will boost HR effectiveness and impact the bottom-line positively

Leadership & Talent Management

We help organizations develop their most important assets, their – PEOPLE. We work with clients to solve their leadership and talent management challenges by partnering with them to develop and design customized programs to help retain and nurture high-potential talent. Our solutions are customized, strategic, forward thinking and practical.

Workforce Performance Management

It is all about Performance! We are trying to do more with less these days. Increasing workforce productivity is imperative in today’s environment. We use a holistic approach to help you improve and increase workforce performance. We start at the top and work our way through the organization.

This allows us to understand the challenges within the organization and design customized interventions. The end result is a workforce with people effectively aligned with their business strategy.

Global Diversity & Inclusion

We live and work in a global business market. It is vital for a business to adapt a global approach to diversity, to better understand the similarities and differences of doing business across the country and the globe.

We offer consulting, training and cross-cultural coaching to clients in the following areas of Diversity & Inclusion:

Strategic Consulting: help organizations in designing and implementing a diversity strategy that aligns with business strategy and growth plans.

Mentoring Programs: designing cross-cultural mentoring programs across departments / organizations that allow employees from difference backgrounds (geographic regions, cultures, race, gender, etc) to learn from each other.

Coaching Programs: implementing group / one-one programs on cross-cultural, repatriation and executive coaching.

Diversity Awareness Program: introductory diversity program that helps participants understand the basic foundations of diversity and inclusion.

Working Across Cultures: this session exposes participants to cultures across the globe and provides them with tools necessary to work effectively on a diverse team.

Generations Training: this session is designed to help participants better understand the generational differences and similarities of the workforce in the US.